Is registration required?
vDos is free for personal use. It will check if the PC is joined to a domain, or files on a network drive are accessed. Then the About popup is displayed at startup. That is, also without network usage, repeated every three hours. vDos is commercial software for nonpersonal/business use.
What will that bring?
The popup won't show anymore. You would contribute to rewarding the countless hours invested in vDos, further development and support, keep vDos freeware for most? You'll be informed of new versions, scheduled once a year. Some two weeks after the initial release, so eventually reported bugs will be fixed. Registered users however generally don't care much about new versions. The current one obviously does the job… I could be more open to your specific issues or wishes, and supply an intermediate pre-release to address those.
What about new versions?
Registration is lifetime and valid for any version/release. If I would decide to change this policy, it won’t affect existing registrations. As long as Windows supports x86/64 32-bit applications, vDos should just continue to work. So future support not mandatory per se. To be real safe, a 64-bit verion is available for registered users. Mind, that has a larger footprint, runs slightly slower and only on Windows 64-bit.
How to register?
Filling out the registration form and creditcard payment, you’ll receive a license file and invoice by email. The license file is to be copied to the directory of vDos.exe. That’s it, no further activation procedure or online validation are involved. Transferring a registered vDos to other/new systems remains a mere copy of a couple (plus one) files.

! To fight off the increasing number of bogus entries, registration is open on Wednesdays (UTC+1) only !
vDos can be registered in two flavours, they only differ in what vDos validates:
Username: € 60.
Based on the Windows username. You can opt for more than one, the price is fixed per username.

Network: € 300.
Unlimited users, as long the PC’s are joined to the registered domain or that network drive/path is addressed.
Money back guarantee?
No, you can (should) evaluate vDos for as long you need to be confident it fulfills your requirements. Once issued licenses can’t be revoked (nor expire) since vDos is fully portable, w/o online dependencies/validations.
The required username(s) or network ID are shown in the About popup, the vDos window System Menu - About vDos, or by the ABOUT command at the vDos/DOS command prompt.

Up to 4 vDos users, you would probably choose the Username option. 4 or more users, certainly Network.
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